Our Story
About the Foundation of Women’s Rights Promotion and Development (FWRPD).
Executive Yuan’s Commission on Women’s Rights Promotion (CWRP) established the Foundation of Women’s Rights Promotion and Development (FWRPD) and the Ministry of Interior allocated the NT$ 1 billion fund. The Foundation aims to serve as a bridge for constructive dialogue between the government and the private sectors, and to build a center of resource and information exchange for all women in Taiwan.

The foundation is comprised of chiefs from ministries engaged in women’s issues, women’s rights specialists, and representatives from women’s organizations. Its primary mission is to promote implementation of women rights and gender mainstreaming. After the completion of Taiwan Women’s Center in March 8th, 2008, the Foundation has been commissioned by the Ministry of Interior to run the center.

We are dedicated to enhancing and developing women’s rights and have been commissioned to carry out tasks such as the research of policies, laws and regulations relating to women’s rights, to research and consult problems relating to women’s rights, to promote public awareness of women rights, and to train personnel. Our goal is to promote gender equality and women’s rights and empowerment.

Our Mission

The foundation is dedicated to the enhancement and development of women’s rights, and has been commissioned to carry out measures relating to:

1. Drafting and promulgating of women’s rights policy and crucial measures;
2. Drafting and promulgating of women’s rights related laws and regulations;
3. Drafting and promulgating of women’s rights projects;
4. Consultation of women’s rights work implementation;
5. Promotion of women’s rights legal awareness and human resource training;
6. Research and study of women’s rights related issues;

Taiwan IndigenWomen Style – a Designer Brand with Social Responsibility

Taiwan Indigen women Style

After the disa
strous Typhoon Morakot in 2009, the Foundation has continued with its concern for the livelihood of the indigenous women, discovering that, due to the limited local job opportunities, the indigenous  people are forced to migrant to cities for work. Women, as the main caretakers in family and breadwinners, are often stuck in a work-family strain. Therefore, we aspire to solve this challenge by revitalizing local industries. We noticed that many indigenous women are possessed with superior craftsmanship, optimistic personalities and dedication to their families. We believe that these characteristics represent the best hope for rebuilding their villages.

After constant communications and companionship with indigenous women, we have built mutual trust and understanding of each other and established the Yuan brand in 2011. The word Yuan not only represents the female ancestors, but also the power of rebirth. Through coordinating with related government offices, avant-garde designers and those who care for these issues, the Foundation sincerely hope to empower indigenous women to create a brand new path in their live.

Taiwan Women Center

To respond to contemporary trends, to promote dialogue between domestic and international women organizations, to present the progress and achievement of women’s rights in Taiwan, and to establish a common platform for domestic organizations in the international spotlight, the Committee of Women’s Rights Promotion (CWRP) decided to establish a national level women’s center in the 23rd committee meeting. Through the coordination of the Ministry of the Interior, the intensive discussions and planning by related governmental sectors, Taiwan Women’s Center was established on March 8th, 2008.

The Center is currently operated by the Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development (FWRPD). It is expected, under the gender mainstreaming policy guidance, to integrate non-governmental participation, to bridge women’s organizations in Taiwan, and to be the national image center of Taiwan women’s rights and gender equality.

Every year, the Center holds exhibitions themed on gender equality and on various aspects of women in Taiwan. Each exhibition represents a remarkable page of women’s history and culture.

About Global Gender 

In 2006, the Foundation of Women’s Rights Promotion and Development (FWRPD) created the Global Gender Website. Serving as a platform to facilitate the circulation of domestic and international gender issues, this website endeavors to share wide-ranging gender-related information, ranging from gender development in Taiwan and APEC members, the advancement of women status, to the results of gender mainstreaming in Taiwan.

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