
Shih-Chung Chen, Minister of Health and Welfare

Shih-Chung Chen
Chairperson, Foundation for Women's Rights Promotion and Development


D.D.S, School of Dentistry, Taipei Medical College              1971-1977


Minister of Health and Welfare                                                2017.02.08-

National Policy Advisor to the President                                 2016-2017.02

Director, Taipei Medical University                                          2004-2017.02

Consultant , Taiwan Dental Association                                  1999-2005  2009-2017.02

Consultant, Taipei City Dentists Association                           1999-2005  2009-2017.02

Deputy Minister, Department of Health, Executive Yuan        2005-2008

Commissioner, National Health Insurance Medical                 1996-2008

Expenditure Negotiation Committee, DOH

Commissioner, National Health Insurance Supervisory           1996-1999  2005-2006

Committee, DOH

Executive director, chief executive officer ,Taiwan Dental        1999-2005


Commissioner, Dentist Advisory Committee, DOH                   1993-1998  1999-2000

President, Taiwan Dental Association                                          1995-1999

Commissioner, medical review committee, Taipei City Health  1995-1996


President, Taipei City Dentists Association                                 1993-1995

Executive director, Taipei City Dentists Association                    1991-1993

Director, Taipei City Dentists Association                                    1987-1990

Message from the Chairperson

The rise of “woman power” during recent years has already become a global trend, where countries worldwide have proposed relevant women’s policies in order to enhance females’ status. In response to this trend, and to intensify the promotion of the overall efficiency for women’s rights, we have established the “Foundation for Women's Rights Promotion and Development” under the continuous promotion of civil power and governmental assistance, acting as the voice to gender equality in our country, the communication window between women’s groups and the government, as well as the role as the center for integrating data and resources. 

For many years, the Foundation for Women’s Rights Promotion and Development continuously assisted civil women’s groups and the government in implementing the promotion of women and gender related policies as well as regulations, so as to develop gender mainstreaming promotional tools, including ability trainings such as gender statistics and analysis, gender impact assessment, gender budget and gender consciousness, which has already accumulated a certain result. Currently under the joint collaboration from our foundation, civil power, and the government, the improvement and development of gender equity can already be seen in the various fields in Taiwan. For the future, it is anticipated that our foundation may combine powers from all fields with more foresight and thorough planning, so as to allow the guarantee of women’s rights to be further implemented, and ensure that society may actually achieve the state of gender equity and mutual respect!

The foundation is supported by a management board, which is composed of nineteen board members that are appointed by the premier from the following candidates:

1. Head of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Justice, the Executive Yuan Council for Aboriginal Affairs, and the Executive Yuan Department of Gender Equality.
2. Four to six professionals, three to five representatives of the women’s groups, with a chairperson to be nominated among the directors, in addition to head of the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, the Ministry of Finance and disinterested community members as auditors as selected and appointed by the Executive Yuan. In addition, the foundation is supported by one chief executive officer, which is chaired by the director of the Ministry of the Interior Social Affairs Division, and a full-time vice chief executive officer and three foundation administrators.

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