Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Taiwan on par with international standards in promoting women’s rights

In order to strengthen the concept of “women’s rights are human rights” as a social consensus and basic value, through the collective efforts of civil society and government authorities, in 2007, the President signed and promulgated the accession of the CEDAW, indicating that Taiwan is legally bound to follow all women’s right regulations issued by the United Nations. 

CEDAW: Taiwan Initial Report Symposium

The government completed the initial CEDAW country report in 2009 and invited ex-CEDAW members to Taiwan for considering the report in the “CEDAW: Taiwan Initial Report Symposium". In the same year, women organizations also published a first-ever NGO shadow report.

Enforcement Act of CEDAW

In 2011, the Legislative Yuan promulgated the Enforcement Act of CEDAW, and therefore mandated all government agencies to adopt necessary legislative or administrative measures to eliminate discrimination on the basis of sex and gender. Thus far, the government has converted the CEDAW into important guidelines for the respect, protection, promotion and fulfilling of women’s equal rights. Women’s rights have become common objectives across political spectrum and basic values shared by our society.

Implementation of CEDAW in Taiwan

Year Title
  • The Taiwan Civil League for Promoting CEDAW was formed to lobby the CEDAW implementation in Taiwan.
  • CEDAW accession was passed without reservations in the parliament, followed by presidential signature. 
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted the accession to the UN but rejected by the secretary general.

  • Enforcement Act of CEDAW was passed in the parliament, which regulates that all the provisions and the general recommendations of CEDAW shall have the same effect as the domestic laws.
  • Shadow Reports were submitted to the Review Committe by Non-governmental organizations from February to May. 
  • The Second Periodic Report of CEDAW was finished and submitted to Gender Equality Committe of Executive Yuan in December. 
  • Mid-term Review of the ROC (Taiwan) CEDAW Third National Report by members of the Gender Equality Committee and representatives from local civil society groups was held in April 2020 but transformed into written form due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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